Case study 1

Rear extension to detached bungalow

Client wanted a rear extension across the whole rear of their property with large lantern light and opening up the kitchen and rear sitting room into a family friendly space with impressive kitchen. The clients where unsure how the roof would work with the existing house so it wouldn't be seen at the front. The client was also keen to design a kitchen with island and breakfast bar and hidden pantry to keep the kitchen worktop areas clutter free.

We surveyed the property inside and out and provided existing plans and elevations with a couple of design options that was tweaked to suite the clients wants. Plans

We had the solution of a flat roof with pitched eaves detail continuing the tile of the pitched tiled roof at the eaves. A part peninsular island was the solution to the island with limited area and to keep the structure steels to a minimum whilst maintaining structural integrity of the rear gable wall.

DMH completed Plans and submitted to planning and building control and approvals with a consultant structural engineers details we where ready to commence to build stage.

see some of our other extension

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